What is SEO or Search Engine Optimisation ?

Put simple it’s the ability of your website or e-commerce website to been seen on the first few pages of popular search engine. If your website or e-commerce site is visible then users will find and then use the site if they like what you are offering. If ,however, they can’t see your website, it doesn’t matter how good your products are or how inexpensive they are you are unlikely to make sales.


search engine optimisation for UK websites from website hosting webdesign and search engine optimisation

Good Search Engine Optimisation can be thought as similar to a shop in a large shopping center ,because people will be  the vicinity of the shop then a percentage of them will enter your shop and if they like what you sell, will purchase from you. if, however, your shop is away from the town center in a quite back street and away from people shopping, your shop is less likely to be seen and as such you will receive less visitors and custom. 


How Do We Help with you Search Engine Optimisation & Rank

Our team at Servershack are in the extremely fortunate position to be in . The origin of the business is from a website coding and back-end web programming background. Our digital team understand what methods  processes and down right jiggery-pokery  that needs to be employed when designing and coding your website. This cleverness ensures your sites are positioned high up on the search engine ranking and as such presented to your end users more often. 

The first hurdle is getting your website ranked high up in the search engines. The second hurdle is presenting your product or service and ensuring we create a strong urge for your site visitors to purchase from you. 

We are based in the UK and offer complete SEO support to ensure your site is configured and build correctly to maximise its search engine optimisation.

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